

一年一度的台灣城市之旅在父親節告一段落, 今年主題是嘉義兩日遊. 以前常去嘉義, 但我實在不知道那裡有什麼好玩的, 同在南台灣的縣市, 屏東有墾丁, 高雄可說是南部的台北, 台南有美食和古蹟, 嘉義...曾經的民主聖地, 也是落寞的城市, 她的光芒老是被鄰居蓋過.


FIFA World Cup

I am not a girl who is good at sports, but I like to watch sport games. I enjoy watching NBA, tennis games, ice-skating, and soccer. Speaking of soccer, recently, the most popular conversation among soccer fans will be the FIFA World Cup. This international competition is held every four year and has been one of the most important event on the earth since 1904. This year the World Cup is held in the Republic of South Africa in June. All soccer fans around the world are expecting the exciting competition among those best national teams and wondering which team will be the champion. Although we do not have a national team to represent Taiwan to join the tournament, some Taiwanese people are still crazy about it. My favorite team is England. It is said that soccer originated in the United Kingdom. People in Britain are crazy about soccer and they even have established a tournament in their country. England Premier League is an important event to the British just as NBA or NFL to Americans. I like to watch England Premier League and I try to tune in whenever there is a game. Unfortunately, most of the time of tournaments are so late that I could only watch replay the other day. Anyway, England team is my favorite and I will cheer for them as usual. It is a pity that Beckham was hurt and could not join the team; this year might be the last time for him to serve for his country if he did not get hurt. Though Beckham is not in the team, there are still other best soccer players chosen from British teams. It has been many years since the last time England won the first place. I really hope that they will have good performances this year.






第一次在三民買書,它的包裝很簡單,用一張牛皮紙包住,四周貼滿膠帶,拆開後,還用一層瓦楞紙版將書包住,非常細心。沒想到畫冊那麼大本,大概是我看過最高的書吧!出乎意料的薄,雖然早知道頁數不多,但還是有點小失望。第一集較薄,第二集稍稍厚了一點,but, 整體的感覺不錯。曾浩是中國的新銳畫家,專攻油畫,他的作品看了真的很有feel,他用油畫表現敦煌仕女畫,畫風奇特;以前曾買過華三川的《千嬌百媚》《濃妝淡抹》兩本畫冊(藝術圖書出版),華三川是傳統中國工筆畫,他筆下的仕女很原汁原味,嬌小的身材、飽滿的臉龐、雙下巴、纖纖玉手、還有娥眉媚眼;曾浩則別有風情,畢竟是用油彩,畫中人多半西化了些,身材高挑、眼神也像洋人般透著挑逗,是很特別的組合,中西結合,重新詮釋了敦煌仕女的風情。